Perspective1 is the leader in LED Parking Lot Light Conversions. Our skilled crews have executed hundreds of conversions in Florida. We keep LED parking lot light heads and materials in stock, so there is no 4-6 week wait time for product to arrive. That means that not only are we the best, we are also the fastest. Our competitors often ask, “how do they do it that fast?” The answer is simple: execution. When you are considering a parking lot LED upgrade with Perspective1 you’ll quickly notice that we pick up the phone, we show up when we say we will, and our crews are professional on site. There really is no comparison in Florida.
Our Services
LED Parking Lot Light Conversions
Metal vs. LED
What are LED Parking Lot Lights?
Perspective1 is the leader in LED Parking Lot Light Conversions. Our skilled crews have executed hundreds of conversions in Florida. We keep LED parking lot light heads and materials in stock, so there is no 4-6 week wait time for product to arrive. That means that not only are we the best, we are also the fastest. Our competitors often ask, “how do they do it that fast?” The answer is simple: execution. When you are considering a parking lot LED upgrade with Perspective1 you’ll quickly notice that we pick up the phone, we show up when we say we will, and our crews are professional on site. There really is no comparison in Florida.
Reasons to Consider Upgrading to LED Parking Lot Lights
Energy Savings
A primary motivator for any business owner is cost. If we look at the common wattages for LED parking lot lighting, the range tends to be from 40 watts to 600 watts. If we look at the same wattage for HID parking lot lights, the range would be 400 watts to 1000 watts. So just from making the transition from HID to LED we see a 40%-60% reduction in energy consumption. From a dollars perspective, this means that your facility could be saving up to $300 per fixture, per year, in electricity costs alone. Depending on the size of your parking lot this could be a huge reduction in cost.
Not only do better performing LED lights reduce energy and maintenance costs, but they provide better visibility for drivers and patrons. A dim or poorly lit parking lot could lead to accidents and injuries that could be avoided with better lighting.
Maintenance Cost Reduction
In addition to the significant savings in energy, maintenance costs can also be reduced by switching to LED. Due to the way LEDs generate light, the way they progress through their functional life is much different than their HID counterparts. Instead of ceasing to function properly once a fuel source is significantly reduced, LED generated light output degrades very slowly over time. As a result, the functional life of an LED product can be significantly longer than that of a HID lamp, which drastically reduces the costs for maintaining a parking and area fixture over a longer period of time.
Lighting Performance
Finally, the performance of your parking and area lighting is of critical importance. From a lighting performance standpoint, LEDs distribute their light via a multi-point design, which gives them a very evenly distributed light pattern on the intended surface. What this means is that light levels across a given surface will vary less as the distance from the pole or fixture changes. HIDs on the other hand produce a “bright spot” directly underneath the fixture with light levels decreasing drastically as the distance from the pole increases. LEDs are able mitigate this problem through even distribution. The result is a more even foot candle distribution after installing an LED retrofit. Finally, due to the even distribution of light, LEDs are available in a range of color temperatures, and as a result provide a range of options to increase the visual perception of “brightness.”